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ANZAC stands for Australian & New Zealand Army Corps. The Anzac service is held at Dawn on the 25th April every year.
It is a time to reflect on all those who have contributed to protect our countries throughout the various wars.
Our Veterans hold the service at Paddy's flat and cook a great trench breakfast for who ever shows. Condsidering our towns population is small there was a huge turnout today, it's one of the few times I get to catch up with people.
I love seeing them in their uniforms and wearing their medals, makes me proud & grateful.
While I was waiting for breakfast I glanced over to a table full of past photos/reports/medals and bit & pieces.
I love aircraft of any sort, so I scanned through all the photos, saw some wrecks and then I spotted an article.
I sat down & read this piece that was written by one of the soliders before, during & after they were ambushed.
Apparently it was common to be ambused at night.
The writing was so descriptive that I felt I was there in the trench beside him.
He spoke of the fear giving dry mouth, the scenery, stepping on others toes as they marched quietly and quickly through the jungle. Anyone reading it would be affected in some way.
This article was dedicated to a young 19yr solider that was shot in the back that night.
It was a prefect read for the enviroment I was in this morning. ANZAC is a time to remember those that never came home.
I will finish with this.
They shall not grow old
As we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning,
We will remember them.
A period of 2 minutes silence
Least We Forget.
To those that gave there lives so that I could have mine............THANK YOU
It is a time to reflect on all those who have contributed to protect our countries throughout the various wars.
Our Veterans hold the service at Paddy's flat and cook a great trench breakfast for who ever shows. Condsidering our towns population is small there was a huge turnout today, it's one of the few times I get to catch up with people.
I love seeing them in their uniforms and wearing their medals, makes me proud & grateful.
While I was waiting for breakfast I glanced over to a table full of past photos/reports/medals and bit & pieces.
I love aircraft of any sort, so I scanned through all the photos, saw some wrecks and then I spotted an article.
I sat down & read this piece that was written by one of the soliders before, during & after they were ambushed.
Apparently it was common to be ambused at night.
The writing was so descriptive that I felt I was there in the trench beside him.
He spoke of the fear giving dry mouth, the scenery, stepping on others toes as they marched quietly and quickly through the jungle. Anyone reading it would be affected in some way.
This article was dedicated to a young 19yr solider that was shot in the back that night.
It was a prefect read for the enviroment I was in this morning. ANZAC is a time to remember those that never came home.
I will finish with this.
They shall not grow old
As we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning,
We will remember them.
A period of 2 minutes silence
Least We Forget.
To those that gave there lives so that I could have mine............THANK YOU