Saturday, 27 June 2009

60 days of Twitter Traffic Machine

Well I am pleased with the results over the last month.

The auto feeds are providing great content from others blogs and such.

The articles are that good, I go to Twitter and read from my own feeds and notice others are enjoying the content too.

I have 1,181 followers and I am following 1642, I still haven't got the hang of following others messages. I find it easy to retweet though.

The content from those I follow is great to, the market angle has slowed down compared to 2 months ago and people tend to be more inspired by each other and want to support each others tweets.

So I am hanging in their and tweet approx once a week, I may miss a few twitters, but hey I can't live on socail sites all the time, i'd achieve very little with my life if I did that : )

relates to Twitter Traffic Machine part 2

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