Saturday, 27 June 2009

Emus Back to the Bush

I have been putting off writing this post until I was sure the Emus were successfully returned to the outback.

About 3 weeks ago we returned our 3 Emus that were 10 months old back into the bush.

raising them as babies and watching them go was hard, but it was always our plan to raise them to the point where they can take care of themselves, it came quicker than I had expected.

we opened the back gate which backs on to the outback and that was it.

They took a while to take their first steps out of the yard. Once out they were happy exploring.

Towns people have reported there on goings over the past few weeks. So we know they are healthy & doing well, they are still close though, but we have had a fair bit of rain lately which is unusual so they are not short of water, which was our main concern.

We knew they would be ok with the Dingos as they were giving the dogs a bit of curry the weeks up to their release.

I do miss them, but glad we spent time with them and gave these guys a chance at life.

I consider myself fortunate that they shared my backyard.

60 days of Twitter Traffic Machine

Well I am pleased with the results over the last month.

The auto feeds are providing great content from others blogs and such.

The articles are that good, I go to Twitter and read from my own feeds and notice others are enjoying the content too.

I have 1,181 followers and I am following 1642, I still haven't got the hang of following others messages. I find it easy to retweet though.

The content from those I follow is great to, the market angle has slowed down compared to 2 months ago and people tend to be more inspired by each other and want to support each others tweets.

So I am hanging in their and tweet approx once a week, I may miss a few twitters, but hey I can't live on socail sites all the time, i'd achieve very little with my life if I did that : )

relates to Twitter Traffic Machine part 2

Monday, 22 June 2009

Seafood in the Outback

Yes thats right, Seafood in the outback.

The guys from Geraldton 530kms west, drive out once a month to make us seafood lovers happy.

I have just noticed they have a website, where you can order on line to be delivered on the next round.

They also have a large amount of recipies on the site including sause recipies.

The website is state wide, so no matter where you live they will deliver. The specials are handy too.

An example for July is Fishermans baskets for 4, organge roughy & Apple pie, serves 12 to 14 ppl.

They normally park up on the main street in Meekatharra and visit most businesses in town. if you phone, they will fax you a price list.

So for all you outback workers, miners, station owners that are new to our area. You'll be pleased to visit this site.

Enjoy !!!